Miri Teresa
I have a message that speaks to those willing to be the change they long to see. So many times in life, we get caught into pointing out what is wrong and not realizing what we ourselves can do right. There are so many things that are wrong in this world but in order to make them right, we have to ignite that change one step at a time.
Many times it starts with perspective changes and discovering how to create sustainable solutions to a broken cycle. We have to be the rock that the foundation starts upon. We have to start where we are at and head in the direction that allows our visions to become our reality.
What are you waiting for?
We are made in greatness, designed to do exploits. i, Miri Teresa believe that we have to express our truth in the power that we live in. There are so many telling us not to be. But someone has to stand firm in their own declaration.
Through the many elements and stages of life, we have to stand and be the truth in each moment. Be who you are as you see fit. Reject the cliche and just be, in all its fullness. You will love yourself for it.
There comes a point where you have to learn thyself and declare that truth with pride in order to defend your iAm.
Be You. Be True. Be Great!
Artisan. Author. Activist